Sunday 19 June 2011

The Evesham Ghost Fest 2011

This week's blog is about the Evesham Ghost Fest, organised by me and Michael and Dusk Till Dawn Events - and what a great weekend it was too.

Evesham is very very haunted, and right from the beginning had a mystical connection.  In 702 A swine-herd called Eof saw a vision of the virgin Mary in some woodland and brought the Bishop of Worcester to see the manifestation. The Bishop saw her too (along with two angels) and immediately built a church in her honour. This soon became a place for Pilgrims to visit and a town sprang up around the church, which eventually became Evesham Abbey.

There are two ley-lines which cross in the centre of Evesham, and we believe this is what creates the energy for all the ghosts and spirits to appear and interact with us.

The Festival started on Friday evening with a Victorian Seance at Spiritus, my Tudor house/shop in the centre of the town.

The seance began with Celebrity Medium Ian Lawman doing transfiguration in our Victorian Spirit Cabinet. The red light in the cabinet gave off an eerie glow, as Ian's face seemed to change, taking on the features of the different characters that are often seen at the Spiritus. Some of the guests also had a go, with great success. 

We then split into smaller groups in which we did some table tipping, mirror scrying, and glass moving. Our large, heavy seance table shuddered once or twice and then began to glide around the room! The smaller table moved violently and the spirit pushing it seemed to take a real liking to some of the ladies !

Finally, we moved down into the cellar, where the energy seemed to be very strong. We did some energy raising exercises, and finally, the moment everyone was waiting for - the chair we had placed in the centre of the circle moved - on its own! 

What a cracking start to the Ghost Fest.

Saturday morning saw us at the Town Hall with our psychic fayre. There were many stalls and readers, including Hedgewitch Hill Handicrafts, Sonia's Kin, Spiritus, Kay McGowan Psychic Artist, Susan Ingleby and many others.  The Workshops, which were free, included Susan Ingleby talking about colour, me talking about Angels and how they operate, Carmel Langridge giving a palmistry class and Michael Treanor-Smith demonstrating clairvoyance and tarot reading.

Michael then joined Ian Lawman for a Ghost Walk around the Town, taking in the history and ghost stories of Evesham.

Saturday evening kicked off with a Ghost Hunt at Salford Hall, an old monastery which has been used for many other things, including a girls school and a convent for french nuns. 

The guests began their evening with a 3 course meal, which was followed by Michael and I giving each guest a mini tarot reading - then the Ghost Hunt began..

We split into three groups with Ian in the old kitchen and Michael and I taking a haunted bedroom each.  Amongst other things, the figure of a monk was seen in room 23, a light switch was switched on in room 12 and strange smells, noises and shadows were seen in the kitchen. 

We left Salford Hall at 2am, to prepare for the workshop of Sunday.

The workshop began at 11am where Ian Lawman, Susan Ingleby and myself  helped the attendees see and feel auras and learn how to receive and interpret messages from the spirit world. Finally, the first official Evesham Ghost Fest ended at 4pm.

It was a fantastic weekend, and I would like to thank everyone who helped make it such a success, including all our lovely guests and attendees.

If you would like to come on a ghost hunt with us, log on to