Wednesday 8 February 2012

Ghosts and Spirits and what to expect.

At the beginning of our ghost hunts with the public, I always give a little chat about what to expect, and a little insight into the world of ghosts and spirit.

It is sometimes very frustrating for us, when we get people who are not used to investigations come along, and expect to see all kinds of phenomena throughout the night. We even have people leave early sometimes because they 'haven't seen a ghost'.  I thought it may be useful to set out exactly what happens on a ghost hunt and what may (or may not) happen to you.

First off, seeing a full apparition (that is a full, solid manifestation that everyone in the room can see) is incredibly rare. In my whole life I have seen about six, and when you bear in mind, I visit haunted buildings almost every weekend, that really isn't very many at all. A paranormal investigation is much more likely to be an experience personal to you alone. You may get tapped on the shoulder, you may hear breathing in your ear or you may suddenly feel your eyes fill with tears. You may feel the pain of the spirit or the emotion. These things are far more likely than seeing slimer coming towards you down a corridor!  Seeing and feeling spirit is something that we can all do - we have simply learned not to do it. We are told from an early age that our eyes are playing tricks, we are 'imagining things' etc, and so we learn to filter out the higher senses. When you come on a ghost hunt with me, I share my experiences in how to open up and see and feel energy, as well as helping and guiding you safely through the vigils.

I believe everyone has some ability and it is possible to learn how to use that ability in a very short space of time. Many people who come on our ghost hunts report seeing and feeling things for the first time in their lives. Even some sceptics have gone away converted after having a personal experience that their rational mind just can't explain.

So you can expect a personal experience - maybe. Depends on what energies are around on the night. If a group puts a lot of energy into the investigation, then they will get good results. If you just sit and watch, not a lot happens - unless you are incredibly lucky of course.

You will be given time on your own to conduct your own experiments and you will also be shown how to use various pieces of ghost hunting equipment which you are then loaned for the evening.

You will also take part in guided vigils with experienced mediums and paranormal investigators, where you will be able to try table tipping, glass moving and other experiments under supervision. Of course these are physical manifestations of energy and usually we will get some movement of a table or glass - even if only slight. Usually, however, these exercises prove very successful with tables sliding around the room and messages being given via the glass.

If all this sounds like fun, why not book a ticket with us at Dusk Till Dawn Events ?

Hope we see you soon !