Monday 11 April 2011

Galleries of Justice Ghost Hunt 9th April 2011

I've been to the Galleries on many occasions, and as usual, it lived up to its reputation.

Joining me were my husband Michael and my good friend, medium Sue Ingleby. The lovely Samantha Hill also joined us as Host and investigator.

The Galleries of Justice is a Courtroom, Gaol and execution Site. There has been a building here for many centuries and it has been used as a place of law enforcement for at least 300 years. The cells are beneath the courtrooms, and were built within Nottingham's cave system. There are two exercise yards, a washroom, a condemned block and further down still, a medieval cave. The Galleries of Justice is known as one of the most haunted buildings in the country.

Before the public arrived, Michael, Sue and I managed to have a look around to try and feel where the energies were strongest. We all agreed there was a heavy atmosphere and we all felt there could be activity virtually anywhere. Michael decided to take the Cave, I took the Condemned and Dark Cells and Sue took the Laundry Room.

All the groups were fantastic, putting lots of energy in and calling out to spirit etc. This makes such a difference, because it gives spirit something to interact with. We managed to get the table tipping and we even got some knocks and bangs in response to questions at one point. The dark cells were eerie and all three groups felt the presence of a dark and foreboding spirit, and we all smelt the familiar foul stench of negative energy in this area too. More than one of the guests had to leave this area because they felt either ill or overwhelmed and one man actually felt like he'd been prodded in the shoulder with a sharp implement.

The caves produced stone throwing, people feeling that they were being breathed on, and Michael got scratched! He noticed blood coming down his arm, pulled his sleeve up and noticed a large scratch mark!

Sue's group heard screams in the Washroom (we also heard screams and mutterings) and there was plenty of activity with the glass moving and ouija boards.

All in all, it was an active (if not a little disturbing) night.

My next blog will be a report on the Tobacco Heritage Warehouse in Liverpool on 16th April. Until then, happy ghosthunting!

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