Sunday 24 April 2011

Skirrid Mountain Inn 22nd April 2011

It was a beautiful warm evening as we pulled into the car park at the Skirrid Inn, in Abergavenny, Gwent, but even in the beauty of the Welsh countryside, there was definitely an air of foreboding as we walked through the ancient front door.

Thought to be the oldest pub in Wales, and listed in chronicles from 1100, Owain Glyndwr is said to have rallied his forces in the cobbled courtyard in the early 15th century, before raiding nearby settlements sympathetic to the English king, Henry IV.

It is believed that the first floor of the inn was once used as a Court Room and over the period of many years, as many as 180 prisoners were sentenced to death by hanging, a sentence that was carried out at the inn itself. The original oak beam used for the hanging is in the stairwell of the Inn, and it still bears to rope marks of it's grisly history.  

Some of the Ghosts said to haunt the Inn are John Crowther who was sentenced to death for sheep stealing and hanged from the famous beam.

Fanny Price was once the landlady of the Inn, and died in her early 30's of consumption. She has been seen and felt on a number of occasions in the Inn. Glasses fly across the bar and some people feel as though a rope has been placed around their necks - sometimes red marks appear on the necks of ghost hunters as they stand near the hanging beam!

Our night was eventful to say the least. The first paranormal action occurred in the bright lights at the top of the cellar stairs with the pub open and in full swing. The lovely landlord, Geoff, was talking to me and  two of our guests, Jo and Racheal. He was explaining that he could take people in small groups down into the cellar. He asked if we would like him to do this and before we could answer, a male voice clearly hissed "yesssssssssss". We all looked at each other in shock. There were no men standing nearby - the cellar doorway is in a small enclosed well area between the back door and the stairway where the hanging beam is...

We had a fabulous meal (the food at the Skirrid Inn is delicious) followed by a small workshop with the guests. Then we went up to the graveyard to the see the grave of Fanny Price and her husband Harry. Two of the ladies were touched on the neck nearby the graves, one lady saying it felt like someone was moving her scarf.

The vigils began with me taking Room 1 and Michael the Bar area.  We were told a woman left in just her towel, after taking a bath in the Room 1 bathroom and feeling like she was being held under the water. 

The table tipping in room 1 was phenomenal. Something happened which I have never seen before. The table actually levitated for about 3 seconds. The Bathroom itself was very frightening with people sensing a tall dark figure with piercing blue eyes moving around the circle. At one point, we heard the creak of the wicker chair as someone sat down - even though we were nowhere near the chair at the time, and there was no-one else in the room with us.

Michael's area produced a horrible smell of sulphur and lots of lights and noises. 

The final vigil was in Room 2, where the man with blue eyes appeared again to several people. At one point we heard the Bell in the bar area ringing downstairs - even though we were all in the same room upstairs. 

It was an absolutely fantastic night and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend the Skirrid Inn to any ghost hunters out there. The real McCoy!

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