Monday 2 May 2011

The Spirit House 29/4/11

This week, we investigated my own shop/house in Evesham, Worcs. Of course, I have investigated it many times, but each time something different seems to happen. Sometimes the night is very sensory, sometimes its more audible, but last Friday, it was definitely physical!

No 85 High Street in Evesham (AKA The Spirit House) has been standing in one form or another since the 11th century. At the time of the Battle of Evesham, the house would have been a small cottage, probably owned by a trader, as it was close to the town centre. During the history that we can trace the house has been a dressmakers, a Doctor's surgery, a newsagents and the home to a local newspaper.  The shop and flat above was taken over by us on 31st October 2007 and has since been the home of Spiritus, a new age shop and spiritual centre.

Many spirits are seen in the building (unsurprisingly) but the most prominent are the ghost of a knight from The Battle of Evesham, Mary (a tudor woman) and her baby, the ghost of a Doctor and Colin, a modern-day ghost who followed us back from an Exorcism in 2008.

The evening began in our victorian parlour, where the table tipping was phenomenal. All of the participants said the atmosphere felt heavy and strange, and we just knew we were in for good physical activity. Colin made the table spin, "walk", vibrate and at one stage, one leg was moving in isolation to the others!

We then moved into the Kitchen area at the back of the shop. This is one of the most haunted locations. We stood in a circle with the lights out and it was pitch black, other than the light from the window at the back of the room. We all gasped as we saw the shadow of a man walking up the fire escape stairs - I went out to check and no-one was out there, and in any event, we surely would have heard the metal staircase creak and groan if someone was walking up it? The silhouette of the man was very clear - head and shoulders moving slowly upwards.

At several points during the night, one of two of the sensitive people in the group felt ill and even sick. One young girl had to sit out of the energy for a while and compose herself before re-joining the group.

The climax of the evening came in the cellar. We felt we should chant to raise the energies as high as possible. Lots of lights were seen in the cellar, people were touched and green luminous light was seen on the ceiling and on the stairs. The most amazing thing of all though, was when the table in the cellar moved - not once but about three times. We had drawn chalk circles around the legs so we could see how far it moved and it was about 6 inches each time (if not more).

An amazing night ! If you want to come on a ghost hunt at the spirit house, you can book here

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