Sunday 14 July 2013


It was a boiling hot day - 30 degrees in some places - so when we arrived at the tunnels for our first, daytime, ghost hunt at 1pm, it was a relief to go into the cool tunnels. At a constant 9 degrees, we actually had to put our jackets on, once we were acclimatised to the temperature !

Our first ghost walk went well. There were lots of noises and whistles, and the Ouija board picked up a few names. We had a couple of sceptics in the group, but after the table tipping session, one of them said to me 'I am now becoming a believer - it wasn't just the table tipping, I actually felt the force of it being dragged beneath my fingers'.

In fact some of ours guests enjoyed it so much, they bought tickets for the night time event, which started at 9pm and continued until 3am.

The evening group started with a walk around on which myself and medium Tracey Titley picked up on a couple of officious men in the BBC area. 

Guests Ben and David had an emotional experience on the guests free time, with the spirit of an old man who seemed lonely. They both had tears in their eyes and felt very sad.

During the table tipping vigils, two of the groups were treated to a fantastic light show from the spirits of Bill and Harry - large orbs of light would move towards the group and then retreat and even seemed to pulsate, as if they had a life of their own!

Finally, we tried out our new way of communicating with the spirits. Paranormal Technician Alan Darcy used his exclusive equipment to bring up the face to face with the Spirits of Drakelow !

If you want to join us here or on any other event then please log on to to purchase your tickets - see you soon !

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