Sunday 30 June 2013

Bodmin Gaol 29th June 2013

It was my first time at Bodmin and as we pulled up, I must admit, it was very creepy.

After setting up I had a little wander around on my own, and stood in the long room in the pitch black, trying to extend my aura and feel that was in the room. I sensed a small boy, about 5 years old, to the back of the room on the left. I asked him, mentally, to show me he was there, and I heard a small stone hit the ground. This was going to be a good night ! Our guests arrived and after a history walk, were let loose on their own. There were a couple of open minded sceptics in the group, and I was looking forward to seeing if anything would happen for them. Everyone went off using the ghost hunting equipment and a few reported feeling hot, sick and hearing noises in various areas of the building.

We then split into groups - Michael took the ground floor with the ouja board and pendulums, Jess and I took the basement for table tipping. We picked up on an aggressive male in the Baker's room who smelled awful and he was touching people, showing himself as a light and generally making his presence felt. He touched Guests Helen and Kerrie seemed to be two ladies he particularly liked the look of. Kerrie also had a stone thrown at her, at one point - This is what Kerrie had to say of her experience 'Thanks for an amazing night. I went in there a bit sceptical and came out believing. I was the one wanting to stand in the middle because I kept being touched. Table tipping and ouija board was amazing. Nice having a spirit pushing me into a corner using a table lol . Thank you guys for last night' 

The most incredible thing that happened for me though, was when guest Daniel, a sceptic, was table tipping and notice his fingertips were wet. He showed the whole group and it was as though a drop of water had been just placed on his finger. The strange thing about this was that in the previous room, another guest (a lady) had experienced something similar, expect there was much more water. Both times we checked the table and it was dry. The ceiling and floor was dry and there was no sign of water anywhere else !

Pools of water (that appear randomly) have been associated with poltergeist activity in recorded cases, so this was very interesting and quite rare. Certainly the first time I have seen it !

All in all it was a fantastic night with personal messages coming through on the ouija board and affecting people within the group too.

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