Wednesday 18 September 2013

The Abandoned Newsham Park Hospital and Orphanage Liverpool - 16/09/13

This vast grade 11 listed Victorian building which was built in 1870 and designed by Alfred Waterhouse; who also designed the Manchester Town Hall and the Natural History Museum in London lies on 3.5 acres of private fenced off land and has an interior size of 99,000 sq ft.
It is set overlooking 200 acres of parkland and a large lake and has to be one of most terrifying places we have ever visited.
Now derelict this locations historical background is that of an Orphanage, a Hospital and in later life an Old Person’s Nursing Home.
This building is massive in size with so many spooky Corridors, Dens and Rooms to get lost in.
On the upper floors of the building, the old Hospital Wards can be found along with a Bell Tower, Chapel, eerie Staircase’s and the all time ultimate; the Mortuary with fridges still intact!
This building has lain dormant and desolate for many years and much of the paranormal activity that is said to have occurred has been reported by security staff whilst patrolling the location.
Whispering echoing voices are said to have been heard along with dark shadowed figures which have been seen fleeing up the stairs and corridors; as if eager not to be seen by onlookers.
Strangely Workmen have also reported that tools that they had been using; were moved without explanation only to find them in other parts of the building.

We split into 4 teams covering the old Morgue, the top floor where naughty boys' were locked into cupboards cut into the walls, the basement and the kitchen. My area was the Basement. I can honestly say it was one of the scariest hunts I have been on. 
As soon as we linked hands we picked up on an icy cold energy behind us, an aggressive male who did not like women with red hair - as I have red hair, this made me feel a little uneasy. On asking out, about 6 of the guests and myself heard a horrible, gruff voice say 'youuuuuu c*********t'.

As soon as our first group touched the table, it span around at 360 degrees. It then tipped and span, each time folding in on itself and aiming itself in my direction. Although the other three groups didn't have so much energy with regard to the table, we did hear other voices and even music at one point and something like a pebble or stone was also thrown. Our final group picked up on an elderly lady from the Victorian era and our guest actually saw the lady in the darkness of the basement.

The other three areas were also extremely active, with names and events picked up on the Ouija and the electronic equipment working very well.

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