Sunday 12 January 2014


The York Guildhall was once used as a Court of Justice for the infamous trial of Margaret Clitherow - who was put on trial for practising Catholicism in 1586. It is a majestic looking building and plays a major part in York's history today.
 The current Hall dates from the 15th Century but it is actually built on the site of an earlier “Common Hall” which was referred to in a charter from 1256. Thought to be one of the oldest buildings in the city of York, it served the guilds as a meeting place. Set in one of the most reputedly haunted cities in the UK - the York Guildhall has a reputation of housing a plethora of ghostly sightings and experiences.
 During the Second World War the Guildhall was damaged by German Bombs during the Baedeker Raid in 1942. It wasn’t until 18 years later that the stone shell of the building was restored again complete with a new stained glass window which was re opened by Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother in the 1960’s.
 Amazingly the stone walls of the building escaped total destruction and now form the frame of the reconstructed hall. A single tree trunk was used for each oak pillar, the originals coming from the Forest of Galtres. The inner room of the Hall also survived during the raid and remained intact – along with its panelled walls, masons marks, hidden stairways and a ceiling decorated with old bosses.
 With so much history it comes as no surprise that the Guildhall is reputedly haunted with many ghosts and spirits within its very foundations.

 There are said to have been reported sightings of the full apparition of a spirit man whose loud ghostly footsteps have been heard in various parts of the building. Mutterings and whispering spirit voices have also been reported by the many visitors to this location.

                                                        OUR GUESTS
                                               ME TALKING EQUIPMENT !
                                                        ONE OF THE ROOMS

As you can imagine I was excited to be here, especially after hearing from other ghost hunters how active their nights have been here.

As soon as we entered the base room, Michael felt the presence of a man and so did I! This was going to be an active night, we could tell !

The guests arrived and after an initial walk around went off to investigate in small groups with equipment.

We then split into two groups, with Jess and I conducting calling out vigils and table tipping and Michael concentrating on the pendulums and Ouija board.

In group one, we soon felt the presence of an over-bearing man in the old court room areas. Several people picked up that he wasn't a very pleasant man who didn't like women very much. A lady in white was also picked up on and one young man, initially sceptical, actually began to see spirit around him! 

Then the physical things began to happen - lots of small blue, green and yellow spirit lights, mists, bangs and taps and then one incredible, massively bright light ! We checked and double checked and we cannot explain where it came from. 

Stranger still, we had the exact same phenomena in the second group ! The second group also decided to sit around a large board-room like table in the ante-rooms and amazingly this table actually moved, and at one point a large thud was heard - like a man banging his fist down hard in the centre of the table.

This was enough for us, and we concluded the evening. This has to be in my top 10 venues, and I can't wait to return, Thanks to guests Sally, Maxine and Seb, Adam and all the others who worked so hard to make it a great night.

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