Monday 10 February 2014


Dudley Castle is special to me, as it's the first place I professionally investigated and it was the venue of the first date my husband took me on - it's also one of the most active locations in the country, in my opinion.

Dudley Castle found in the heart of the in the West Midlands is very well known for its hauntings and ghostly inhabitants which are said to dwell within the very walls of the Castle.

There are a plethora of resident ghosts haunting the castle the scariest being the ominous black monk who has been seen in various parts of the castle by visitors and staff alike on numerous occasions. Another ghost said to haunt the castle is the grey lady who is known to wander aimlessly throughout the castle and its grounds. There is also the ghost of a victorian child, a deceased elephant keeper (the castle is also a zoo) and many, many more.

Our guests arrived on this cold and windy February night, all wrapped up and ready to go. 

We began with a large vigil in the undercroft, where several people were touched, some heard deep sighs and several lights were seen.

We then split into 3 smaller groups and conducted experiments in table tipping, Ouija board and pendulum dowsing.

My group took the Undercroft of the castle. One the coffins here is said to be haunted by a man with long blonde hair who likes to touch and stroke the long blonde hair of people who visit. Our guests were not aware of this...

At the end of our first session, I turned the torch on and one lady let out a scream. A single strand of her long blonde hair had been pulled through a hole in her woolly hat ! She was a little un-nerved, as she hadn't felt a thing during the vigil.

One man lay in the stone coffin and heard a deep growl behind him, another heard taps and bangs. Several strange lights were seen the and table tipped very well for all three groups.

The Ouija Board and Pendulums both worked well, and our guests put out loads of energy, which is what makes a great ghost hunt !

Thanks to Craig, Jane, Mandy,  Caren,  Emily, Tracey and all our other fantastic guests. 

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