Wednesday 12 February 2014

Poltergeists - an 'Agent' or a Spirit?

In the German tongue, poltergeist literally means "noisy ghost." In fact ,  a poltergeist experience is often noisy, although the usual physical disturbances are, by some,  no longer thought to be the work of  ghosts.  Some recent studies would  indicate that a living person (or poltergeist agent), who is typically involved in another stress-inducing situation, causes the poltergeist phenomena.

Most poltergeist agents are unaware that they are causing the physical disturbances, and even those with vague awareness usually have no conscious control over how and when the disturbances will occur.

In poltergeist cases, typical reported disturbances include strange noises and knockings, and objects moving about as if under their own power. Objects have been reported to fly about in bizarre trajectories, to crash to the floor and break, to break or shatter in place, and to disappear and reappear, sometimes in different locations. Beds are sometimes reported to shake and furniture to rearrange itself. In more rare cases, small, innocuous fires have started, water droplets or bursts have fallen from nowhere, stones have pelted homes, and vague apparition-like forms have been seen.

However, in my own studies and case histories, although many times there is a poltergeist agent, I think there is a small percentage of cases where a very active spirit is to blame for the disturbances. This spirit is able to somehow access enough energy (maybe from the people in its vicinity) to move things around, make noises and smells and sometimes, even make themselves heard !

What do you believe?

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