Thursday 20 February 2014

UK Haunted Episode at The Spirit House !

You may not know it, but Michael and I live in a Tudor house in Evesham - it's probably one of the oldest in the Town as it was build with stone from Evesham Abbey. When Henry VIII ordered the dissolution of the Abbeys in 1544, the townspeople of Evesham took wheel barrows and carts down the the Abbey and literally took the bricks and stone, to build or enhance their own houses. This Abbey stone can be clearly seen in our cellar. The picture below is of Michael on our cellar steps, and you can see the stone clearly.

Michael on the Cellar Steps 

Alex and Michael make up the UK Haunted Team, and they agreed to come and film in early 2014. I asked them because they seemed to be no-nonsense, straight as a die kind of guys who were not interested in faking or dramatics - they just wanted the truth, which is what I wanted too.  It was a very active night - the table tipped, the scrying session was spooky, people were touched (as was Michael from UK Haunted) and most amazingly, the Franks (or Spirit) Box was so, so clear and spoke about children being killed in the cellar - something which has been picked up on before. At the end of the evening Colin signed off by saying 'goodbye, Colin' which was just amazing !  The guys will be filming again soon as part of their USA TV show which is soon to hit the screen across the pond. Whilst we wait for that, please watch the You tube episode by following the link below, and don't forget to check out other venues they have been to, including the capture of what looks to me like a spirit at Clophill Church.

You can also follow the guys on Twitter @UKhaunted and follow us @sue_miketreanor

You can book a ghost hunt at The Spirit House through or by ringing  01386 442 443.


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