Sunday 16 March 2014

Coalhouse Fort, Essex, 15th March 2014

Coal House Fort is a Victorian Coastal Defence Fort, which is next to the River Thames in East Tilbury, Essex.

The Fort was built in 1874 to defend the approaches to London from the threat of invasion from France and other Foreign Countries.

This particular Fort is said to be one of the finest examples of an armoured casemated Fort in the United Kingdom.

Since 1983 the Fort has been leased to the Coal House Fort Project, which is a voluntary organisation, who has worked hard to help the Fort keep much of its original Architectural form.

Coal House Fort has over 600 years of Military History so there is no surprise that this location has Paranormal Phenomena that is very, very active.

This location has mile upon mile of pitch black tunnels where no one can hear you scream when the lights go out!

Volunteers whilst at work on the Fort have witnessed Ghostly Apparitions and Strange mists before their very eyes.

Voices and the laughter of a child, along with heavy footsteps and the sound of something being dragged along the floor are just some of the strange phenomena experienced at this unique building.
The Most Haunted Programme visited here very recently and had a lot of activity throughout their stay overnight with extreme poltergeist activity.

We began the evening with a walk around the location - strange things began to happen. My phone went from 60% charge to completely flat  - but when we came out of the tunnels it was back up to 38% !  The brand new batteries on my digital recorder also drained immediately we put them in. Guests were feeling sick, smelling things, hearing things - seemed like it was going to be an active night !

On the guests walk around a group of ladies made contact with some children that Michael had picked up in the quadrangle and the K2 meter was responding with flashing lights to the ladies questions - not surprising as they worked with children in their everyday lives !

For the vigils, I took the Latrine to try out table tipping. All three groups were successful but the energy seemed to build as the night went on. I had the hood of my coat pulled back when I was with group 2, then in group 3, another lady with long hair, had it pulled backwards when standing in exactly the same position that I was in - she was unaware prior to the incident that this had happened to me. We picked up on the spirit of Harry, a man who had hung himself and also a spirit called Jeff (big thanks to the real live Jeff in the group who was such a good sport in group 3 !). 

The PX Machine said some interesting things, all military words and words relating to the Fort. 

All in all it was a very active night - thanks to our hosts at the Fort and of course to our amazing guests, who worked so hard to get such great results.

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