Monday 12 May 2014


What Exactly is EVP?
No one knows for sure exactly what EVP is,  but there are many theories. The simplest explanation is unknown sounds or voices- for which there is no logical explanation- appearing on electronic recordings.  Skeptics would say they are intercepted short wave radio transmissions or perhaps that the human brain needs to make sense of sounds and is interpreting naturally occurring sounds as human speech – a kind of audible pareidolia.
Other theories include;
The voices are the projections of the person recording;
The voices are a form of residual (or ghost) haunting and not really a spirit entity; when a traumatic event happens on a site,  the environment absorbs the energy associated with the event and merely replays the same events over and over (otherwise known as stone tape theory).
The sounds are extra terrestrial in nature.
The sounds are from spirits who are attempting to contact the physical world; some EVPs are claimed to be answers to questions posed by the recorder.

How do I capture an EVP?

Simply record in a place that is likely to produce EVPs, then listen to the recording in a quiet environment with headphones. Some EVPs will be clear enough to the naked ear without any specialist software; others will require amplification to be heard more clearly. Since human hearing ranges vary, it may be difficult for a group of listeners to agree upon a single conclusion for the content of an EVP. It takes a while to train your ear to listen for EVP type sounds.

Below is a collection of clear EVP's which have been recorded - what do you think?

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