Wednesday 7 May 2014

My experience with Apports

What is an apport? Does it come from the French word, apporter, meaning to send? Ironically, some of the best definitions come from the sceptic websites. They are certainly the websites that come up first in google's list. And truthfully, I'd be sceptical too if it hadn't happened to me.

From "An apport is an object allegedly materialising during a séance. Believers see apports as signs or gifts from spirits. Sceptics see them as evidence of conjuring.

Good magicians and good mediums can produce objects seemingly out of nowhere and nothing. They can also make objects seem to disappear. When a medium does this it is referred to as a deport."

So can this really be true? Can an object teleport from one place to another? In the days of the Victorian Seance, objects from times gone by would apport into the room, such as Roman coins or other ancient objects. Flowers were also another common apport at this time In fact there was a famous medium called Elizabeth D’Esperance (which was the professional name of Elizabeth Hope) [1855-1919], who was famous for her fruit and flower apports. 

Are they real though? I can only tell you about the 2 experienced I had with them.

The first took place in 2005/6. I was living in Birmingham with my two sons and my nephew was also living with me at the time.  My nephew was engaged to a young girl and although they had once been very happy, they had been arguing and having some problems. He had asked me to give him a tarot reading. Before I tell you what happened, I will give you some background on the house and the story...

The house itself was built around 1930 - pretty unremarkable in terms of it's structure. A standard 4 bed detached in the suburbs of Birmingham.  It was, however, rife with spirit. My eldest son had seen an old wizened woman in the bedroom and both he and I had seen a small boy, aged about 3, in striped pyjamas, run around the gallery landing. Many orbs and lights were seen with the naked eye, even our local vicar had seen a man in the back garden who simply walked through a wall ! I never found any dramatic reason why it was so haunted - all I could come up with, was that maybe there was a strong ley-line below or alongside the house.

In the weeks previous to the Apport incident,  there had been a lot of paranormal activity - not surprising really as we had 3 boy aged 15 - 20 in the house - plenty of psychic/kinetic energy! My niece, who was 11 at the time, was also in my house a lot as she went to school just across the road and would come over for lunch and sometimes tea.  We had been shopping in Birmingham the weekend before the Apport, and I had bought her a 'toy' ring - a sort of snake made of tin, which wrapped around the finger. She had left it on the fire place in my living room, whilst she was washed her hands one day, and had forgotten about it. I remember seeing it and thinking 'I must tell Amy that's here, I bet she thinks she's lost it!'. Then I thought no more about it.

One afternoon my nephew came in and asked me if he could have a tarot reading - he said that he was having problems with his girlfriend.

We sat opposite each other, cross legged on my double bed. I asked him to shuffle the cards. He close his eyes in concentration and began to shuffle the deck. 

Suddenly, something fell from the ceiling and hit the cards he was shuffling with a 'clunk'. I couldn't believe my eyes when I looked and realised it was Amy's ring - but it was snapped in two ! the metal was red hot and I dropped it as quickly as I had picked it up! We looked at each other in astonishment - it had apported from the room directly BELOW the room we were in.

The broken ring was a sign - a week or so later my nephew and his fiance split, never to be re-united. It's as if spirit were saying 'it won't last'.

                                              A ring like the one 'Apported' in my house

The second time was during a ghost hunt at my current house, in Evesham. My guests were table tipping in the cellar and speaking to our ghost, Colin, a modern day spirit. Colin liked a drink and a fag, and as the table tipped, my friend Alan and I witnessed a cigarette end drop from the ceiling - we luckily had the incident on camera which is posted below....

So, my opinion on Apports? They were definitely faked during the Victorian period, and if I hadn't witnessed them myself, I probably wouldn't believe.... but I HAVE witnessed them. It certainly seems they are some kind of message from the spirit world. If you are a paranormal investigator or ghost hunter, I really hope you get to see one for real, one day....


  1. Hello, I am writing a feature about apports for Spirit & Destiny magazine and would love to feature your story. Please could you email me:

  2. I videod an apport on a ghosthunt at littlecote house near hungerford. During a glass moving session, a peice of dried fruit segment appeared in the glass i slowed the film down because it happened so can see it go into the glass as a light and appear as a solid inside gobsmacking to say the least
