Thursday 20 February 2014

UK Haunted Episode at The Spirit House !

You may not know it, but Michael and I live in a Tudor house in Evesham - it's probably one of the oldest in the Town as it was build with stone from Evesham Abbey. When Henry VIII ordered the dissolution of the Abbeys in 1544, the townspeople of Evesham took wheel barrows and carts down the the Abbey and literally took the bricks and stone, to build or enhance their own houses. This Abbey stone can be clearly seen in our cellar. The picture below is of Michael on our cellar steps, and you can see the stone clearly.

Michael on the Cellar Steps 

Alex and Michael make up the UK Haunted Team, and they agreed to come and film in early 2014. I asked them because they seemed to be no-nonsense, straight as a die kind of guys who were not interested in faking or dramatics - they just wanted the truth, which is what I wanted too.  It was a very active night - the table tipped, the scrying session was spooky, people were touched (as was Michael from UK Haunted) and most amazingly, the Franks (or Spirit) Box was so, so clear and spoke about children being killed in the cellar - something which has been picked up on before. At the end of the evening Colin signed off by saying 'goodbye, Colin' which was just amazing !  The guys will be filming again soon as part of their USA TV show which is soon to hit the screen across the pond. Whilst we wait for that, please watch the You tube episode by following the link below, and don't forget to check out other venues they have been to, including the capture of what looks to me like a spirit at Clophill Church.

You can also follow the guys on Twitter @UKhaunted and follow us @sue_miketreanor

You can book a ghost hunt at The Spirit House through or by ringing  01386 442 443.


Wednesday 12 February 2014

Poltergeists - an 'Agent' or a Spirit?

In the German tongue, poltergeist literally means "noisy ghost." In fact ,  a poltergeist experience is often noisy, although the usual physical disturbances are, by some,  no longer thought to be the work of  ghosts.  Some recent studies would  indicate that a living person (or poltergeist agent), who is typically involved in another stress-inducing situation, causes the poltergeist phenomena.

Most poltergeist agents are unaware that they are causing the physical disturbances, and even those with vague awareness usually have no conscious control over how and when the disturbances will occur.

In poltergeist cases, typical reported disturbances include strange noises and knockings, and objects moving about as if under their own power. Objects have been reported to fly about in bizarre trajectories, to crash to the floor and break, to break or shatter in place, and to disappear and reappear, sometimes in different locations. Beds are sometimes reported to shake and furniture to rearrange itself. In more rare cases, small, innocuous fires have started, water droplets or bursts have fallen from nowhere, stones have pelted homes, and vague apparition-like forms have been seen.

However, in my own studies and case histories, although many times there is a poltergeist agent, I think there is a small percentage of cases where a very active spirit is to blame for the disturbances. This spirit is able to somehow access enough energy (maybe from the people in its vicinity) to move things around, make noises and smells and sometimes, even make themselves heard !

What do you believe?

Tuesday 11 February 2014


If you have ever wanted to physically connect with spirit, the technique of table tipping maybe a good experiment for you to conduct.  In table tipping or turning, a table is used as a physical tool to communicate with beings in spirit – a physical way for them to show us they are present.
It originated in the late 1800s to early 1900s.  When the movement of Spiritualism first reached Europe from America in the winter of 1852–1853, the most popular method of consulting the spirits was for several persons to sit round a table,  their hands resting lightly upon it and wait for the table to move. If the experiment was successful the table would rotate with considerable force, or perform other strange, sometimes gravity-defying movements.

In England table-turning became a fashionable diversion and was practised all over the country in the year 1853. Dr. John Elliotson and his followers attributed the phenomena to mesmerism whilst the public were content to find the explanation of the movements in spirits, electricity, or even the rotation of the earth.

How does it work?

Each person places the fingertips only of both hands on the table, but just a light touch.  It generally works much better if there is a physical medium present (ie; one the spirits can draw energy from). The table begins to move, slightly at first, sometimes shuddering or tapping, but the main point is, it is not the participants pushing or rocking the table - it is spirit doing the work. 
All types of entities can come through in a session of table tipping – spirits, elementals and even guides.
In a Ghost Hunting situation, it is useful in that yes and no questions can be answered with a specific movement, a rap, knock or tap.

Table Tipping is perfectly safe when the experiment is conducted with a trained medium or paranormal investigator.

Join us at and take part in table tipping on a REAL ghost hunt ! 

Monday 10 February 2014


Dudley Castle is special to me, as it's the first place I professionally investigated and it was the venue of the first date my husband took me on - it's also one of the most active locations in the country, in my opinion.

Dudley Castle found in the heart of the in the West Midlands is very well known for its hauntings and ghostly inhabitants which are said to dwell within the very walls of the Castle.

There are a plethora of resident ghosts haunting the castle the scariest being the ominous black monk who has been seen in various parts of the castle by visitors and staff alike on numerous occasions. Another ghost said to haunt the castle is the grey lady who is known to wander aimlessly throughout the castle and its grounds. There is also the ghost of a victorian child, a deceased elephant keeper (the castle is also a zoo) and many, many more.

Our guests arrived on this cold and windy February night, all wrapped up and ready to go. 

We began with a large vigil in the undercroft, where several people were touched, some heard deep sighs and several lights were seen.

We then split into 3 smaller groups and conducted experiments in table tipping, Ouija board and pendulum dowsing.

My group took the Undercroft of the castle. One the coffins here is said to be haunted by a man with long blonde hair who likes to touch and stroke the long blonde hair of people who visit. Our guests were not aware of this...

At the end of our first session, I turned the torch on and one lady let out a scream. A single strand of her long blonde hair had been pulled through a hole in her woolly hat ! She was a little un-nerved, as she hadn't felt a thing during the vigil.

One man lay in the stone coffin and heard a deep growl behind him, another heard taps and bangs. Several strange lights were seen the and table tipped very well for all three groups.

The Ouija Board and Pendulums both worked well, and our guests put out loads of energy, which is what makes a great ghost hunt !

Thanks to Craig, Jane, Mandy,  Caren,  Emily, Tracey and all our other fantastic guests.